About Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
This is a dynamic style of yoga that connects the movement of the body with the power of the breath through a flowing sequence of yoga postures. We listen to the natural wisdom of the body to release tension and restore bright energy. Regular practice brings vibrancy and enhances strength, stability and flexibility. Postures can be modified (when needed) while still remaining true to the intention of the practice; to heal the body, quiet the mind and open the heart.
Creative Ashtanga Yoga (Led class)
This is a led class that uses the stable framework of the Ashtanga sequences combined with creative explorations of additional postures, mudras (hand gestures) and mantras (energy sounds) that encourage freedom and release.
Intuitive Ashtanga Yoga (Mysore classes - assisted self practice)
This is a self practice class that shows students how to learn and remember the Ashtanga sequences independently, at their own pace, with the support of the teacher nearby. This style of Ashtanga encourages the intuition to grow and heightens the experience of the practice as a moving meditation. Individual instruction is given quietly, both verbally and with sensitive physical adjustments (for those that like them). Students become empowered to practice freely and confidently both in the class and in their own time.
Gentle Yoga
This class is slow, grounded and relaxing. Students are guided through yoga postures and breath work to soften the body, awaken inner strength, release tension and restore vibrant energy. Gentle sounds and sensitive adjustments (for those that like them) are used to encourage relaxation in a warm and nurturing environment.
Self Practice Yoga Sessions
These sessions are a warm and friendly way to practice yoga communally. Practice any style of yoga independently or ask for a ‘lead and follow’ practice guide. All donations go to charity.
£10 per class
Commitment for a term of classes is required (Usually it's £60 for 6 weeks)
£10 for a taster class
Self Practice
£5 independent
£10 guided
All donations go to charity